Pavilon G

Pavilon G

Civic buildings

The new building of the Ostrava National Theater


The building is located at the Černá louka exhibition center in Ostrava. It was created in the 1960s as one of the pavilions on the exhibition grounds, and its basic layout and distinctive shape also correspond to this function.

Since the mid-nineties, the building has been used as a golf practice hall. The location of the building is very advantageous for new large theater rehearsal rooms with alternative theater productions. It is located just 300 m from the main Masaryk Square, is easily accessible by public transport and by car, and is also within walking distance of two other NDM buildings - the Jiří Myron Theater and the Antonín Dvořák Theater, including the NDM's operational building - the theater's facilities.

The building is very creative and by restoring the cultural content, it will become an iconic building that will significantly revive the city center, anchoring a point on Černá louka, which has lost its symbolism in recent years

Opera +

Výstavní pavilon se změní na divadelní sál Národního divadla moravskoslezského

MS stavby

Vizualizace plánované rekonstrukce pavilonu G na Černé louce v centru Ostravy