

Residential buildings

reconstruction of an apartment building with a commercial ground floor

Author: Tomáš Bindr, Pavla Vymetálková
Status: implementation
Client: Statutory city of Ostrava
Project year: 2015
Size (HPP): 128 m2


The municipality of Ostrava rightly decided to return the middle class of the population to the center and rebuild the house into an apartment building with municipal rental apartments and rentable units on the ground floor, initiating public life in the center of Ostrava.

On the ground floor, we designed 3 rentable commercial units extended through the gallery to the basement. There are 8 residential units on two standard floors. Three apartments were created in the attic, two of which are maisonettes with a roof terrace. An elevator was inserted into the center of the layout.

During the reconstruction, although it is not a listed building, we preserved the maximum amount of original elements and carried out their renovations. Interior doors with organic motifs including distinctively shaped facings, terracotta stairs with cast-iron railings, stucco-decorated vestibules...

Photo: Roman Polášek


Bytový dům se nachází na pozemku katastrálního území Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz. Jedná se o čtyřpodlažní, podsklepený objekt na nároží ulic Střelniční a Pivovarská v městské památkové zóně. Plánováná rekonstrukce se dotkne téměř celého objektu s ohledem na zachování hodnotných historických prvků.